Baby blues or the three-day cry - that's how you face it
Maybe you just got home from BB, the baby is finally here and life with the long-awaited new member is about to begin for real. Now it's time to enjoy that sweet baby bubble everyone's talking about - but suddenly you're overwhelmed by feelings of sadness, emptiness and darkness.
For many, the baby blues, or the three-day cry as it is often also called, comes as a total surprise. Not everyone is affected - but still many of us felt that there should be a name for it. But what is it due to?

The fill-in book The story of you has a spread about the first time as parents. Sensitive questions can also take place here. Becoming a parent can be difficult and tough, and the first few days are often spent crying a little now and then.

Actually, it is perhaps not so strange that there is a reaction - it would be more strange actually if we went through all this unnoticed and were completely unchanged.
A birth is one of the most special things we experience - it's nine months of waiting for something that changes life forever that suddenly reaches its climax. High expectations that it will be rosy that comes to shame. The shock that one is now responsible for this little life, easily gives feelings of powerlessness and fear. In addition, for the one who has given birth to the child - everything the body has gone through during pregnancy and goes through during childbirth and afterwards, hormonal surges like no other and that fragility in front of oneself and LIFE. The reason why it appears around three days after childbirth is that it is usually when the hormonal changes are most noticeable. You can feel sad or downright anxious, or just tired, listless, have a poor appetite and difficulty sleeping.
Actually, it is perhaps not so strange that there is a reaction - it would be more strange actually if we went through all this unnoticed and were completely unchanged.
So – what can be done about it?
First, it's important to be prepared for it to happen, so you recognize the symptoms if they appear. Although logic rarely trumps emotion, it is perhaps a little comfort to know that it is very common, and that it will pass.
Then you can prepare so that you land as softly as possible, should it happen to you. Make sure you have quiet days with few things planned around this time, and surround yourself with people who give you security. And rest, eat, wait. As best as possible.
And finally: Talk – with your partner, BVC, understanding friends.
As a consolation, it can be said that it usually disappears within a few days, or two weeks at the most. If these thoughts and feelings remain longer than that, it could be postpartum depression. Then you should contact healthcare - call BVC and they will help you. There is very good help available, both for you and your partner.
Also consider that even partners can suffer from these types of feelings. Even then, it is important to seek and get help.

Be prepared for it to come. Make sure to surround yourself with safe, kind people. Talk, with partner, BVC or friends - and be vigilant if it doesn't turn around. There is good help available.