Brilliant Christmas gift ideas
How do you find those perfect pats that will leave the recipient both surprised and delighted? After all, happy children are a classic to wish for, and you would probably have been both surprised and delighted by a whole Christmas without breaks or fights. But let's stay within reason - here we've handpicked our favorites from both hard and soft packages.

The news The Family Book from Stacking Stories.

King for a day – what will the children choose if they get to decide everything for a whole day? Do you dare to try? IN The Family Book from Stacking Stories there are quizzes for the whole family to fill in – each individually, or together. A book that both provides many fun and beautiful moments when it takes shape, and that becomes a memory for life.

From top left:
1-2. HAY's Sobremesa series is like a tribute to those delicious Mediterranean meals you eat near the sea in a gentle breeze with wonderful friends. In a commercial it would have been like that, in reality it might not be EXACTLY like that, but the napkins and plates take us almost all the way there.
3. Matches that make you happy every time it's time to cuddle! You can find these at Grandpa .
4. Bright red alarm clock from Cloud nola which gives you absolutely zero reasons left to keep your mobile next to the bed. Except for that cozy scrolling before bedtime, of course. The clock has a design language inspired by old clocks at train stations.
5. Well, we may nag a bit but remember that The Family Book is our newest baby. Plus an absolutely perfect gift for the whole family to complete - about each other, to each other and together.
6. How can candles create such a desire? You can find HAY's fine candles everywhere, if they haven't sold out of course. We bought ours at The Baker & The Cook .
7. Milestone cards - but not the frilly and pastel ones, but with designs that bring to mind the Bauhaus school. On the back there are fill-in-the-blank questions so you can forever remember what your child was like at this particular age.
8. The mug with capital M. The cup with capital K. 'The Signature Cup' designed by Isabelle Good is quite impossible to get hold of, but if you succeed, the Christmas success is a fact.