LeScarf is my second baby
We meet Karin Bylund at home in the light and airy turn-of-the-century store on Surbrunnsgatan in Stockholm. Cute Frank, who is now six months old, Karin's husband David and the family dog Nalle also live here. Karin founded the company lescarf together with Natalie Karlsson in 2018, and they have had great success and international impact since then. Their timeless silk scarves have been featured in Vogue and Elle, adding a touch of luxury to any outfit. The latest news is that they are releasing a collaborative collection with Olivia Palermo, something Karin talks about with pride in her voice. Just got it, we are seriously impressed by both Karin, lescarf and her cool attitude to her parenting.
Hi Karin! Thank you for letting us come and say hello to you and lovely Frank! How is the situation today?
- A little tired but happy, and it's so much fun to have you here!
You have just sold this apartment, tell us about your house plans?
- We have bought a plot of land on Ekerö and are going to build a house. Right now everything feels fun but also big - we realize that there are a thousand things to think about and a thousand more that we don't know about yet. The plan is that we will be able to celebrate Christmas 2021 in the new house, with dog and children. But until then, it's a long time and a lot to sink your teeth into. Floor selection, for example, that's what we're dealing with right now.

Just No.1 is one of lescarf's most popular products. Here on one of Karin's self-built pedestals.

Karin with her son Frank, six months

Olivia Palermo corona styled in Lescarf No. 1. Picture from le-scarf.com

no. 16 gives Lisa Aiken's outfit that little extra boost. Picture from le-scarf.com
We think you should get to answer the spread in the book that deals with style and fashion. It's actually adapted for children, but we drive anyway. How do you prefer to dress?
- Stylish, comfortable and minimalistic. However, it is convenience that dominates these days, with Frank and work from home. May miss dressing up a bit more.
We recognize that, haha, parental leave isn't exactly a string of cocktail parties. Next question - where do you fall in your style on a scale between "Random" and "Carefully Selected"?
- Very far towards "Carefully selected" actually, this also applies to the cozy clothes I've been strolling around for most of the time since I got pregnant.
What is most important when choosing clothes?
- Feeling, color (or lack of color) and preferably softness.

Excerpt from the book Small steps Great stories. Buy the book here.

Frank dresses superbly in lescarf's No.16.

"Before I had a child, I thought I would wait until the child grew up - but now I want to stop time"

You also have a two-year-old - the company lescarf, which you have run together with Natalie Karlsson since 2018. How has it been possible to combine entrepreneurship with parenthood?
- There are both pros and cons to running your own business when you are a parent. The advantages are, of course, that it is flexible, and that you certainly love and are passionate about what you do - but the disadvantage is that you have difficulty switching off. At a regular job, I could have set an auto-reply in April and then logged out completely. Now there is always something that calls for attention. I try to turn off the phone and delete apps to be able to focus on Frank. Then I sit down at the computer instead when it's time to work.
You feel very relaxed for being a first-time parent - how do you think that comes about?
- Yes, how come? We were already told at BB that we felt relaxed, haha. I think it's simply because me and David as people are very calm and confident. In addition, parenthood has been so obvious from day one, and I have completely trusted myself in the role of mother.
"I probably even googled 'my baby doesn't want to cuddle' before I realized that it was completely normal and that babies are different"
What is the biggest surprise about becoming a parent?
- Before I had children, I didn't see myself as a baby parent. I thought I would wait until he grew up, but now I just want to stop time, haha. It goes so fast! Plus I thought it would be more cuddling - he rarely wants to lie down and cuddle but rather go off on adventures.
Haha, who has he got it from faith?
- Maybe from me... Or it's just his very own quirk!
Now you get to continue moving house cleaning (fun) but thanks for letting us come and visit - we hope we can come and visit in the new house then and see how the floor turned out!
- You are so welcome!
Want to see more of lescarf's fantastic products so check out their website.

Karin Bylund with her son Frank