Louise Hjorth on life's big questions - how babies are made and how sofas stay white
Already in the hall, it is easy to understand why Louise has quickly become a big trendsetter. The feeling when you step inside is that of a luxury hotel - but at home with small children. But before we delve into her interior design and sense of style, we want to know how it all began, about a life before success and how the sofa remained white with two small children at home.

Interior designer Louise Hjorth lives with her husband and two children, so her life feels very typical for a family with small children. But as always, life offers more than meets the eye. In just a few years, Louise has managed to change careers, have two children, undergo a nasty operation on her neck and skull - and in parallel with all this, she has built up a company as an interior designer with clients such as Carpe Diem, Gubi, Jotex and more. No wonder that 129,000 (at the time of writing) want to follow her everyday life on Instagram. And it's no wonder that another gets performance anxiety because in recent years you've mostly been eating chocolate and lying on the couch.
Louise, a completely unfiltered question, how are you?
- Today is so much better than yesterday, when I lay in bed all day completely exhausted. After the operation, I don't have the same margin with sleep, and toddlers don't really take that into account haha, so yesterday was a tough day. But today is so much better and I am really enjoying every second that I am well and am so thankful that the surgery went well.
Yeah that surgery, I understand if it's private but short – what happened?
- After a lifetime of headaches, the doctors discovered that I have syringomyelia (benign cysts) along half my back due to narrowing in the skull and enlarged bone marrow that presses on the nerves. The operation briefly involved removing the top cervical vertebra and sawing into the skull bone to free up space for the cerebrospinal fluid to pass properly. A tough journey, of course, but I'm glad it's gone so well so far.
And parallel to all that, you've really made a name for yourself as an interior designer. We are so impressed! But were you born with that title or how did you land it?
- Haha, I've probably always had it in me. When my friends the same age had girls' rooms with 90-beds and typical decor for a teenager (read: posters with idols and horses), mine looked more like a hotel room. I put all my savings into furnishings and the dream came true when I could buy a really big hotel bed for my girl's room. My mother probably also has a hand in the game, she has such a fine sense of interior design. When I think about it, maybe it was thanks to her that the interest was born.

The living room is decorated in a light but warm tone and on the table is the bookcase from Stacking Stories in white pigmented hard wax oil.

Louise Hjorth is on Instagram under the name @louisehjorthdesign (at the time of the interview, the account had 129K followers).

"Children are born when you eat a lot of meatballs and pasta"
In the book there are some sections where you can do interviews with your child from the time they start talking until they start school. You have asked some of the questions to your daughter Adele. Were there any funny answers?
- It was so much fun, both me and my husband laughed (on the sly) at her unexpected answer. It is wonderful to save her thoughts in the book until she is older.
We have received Adele's answers, they are here:
Adele how old are you?
- First I'll count, first I was born then I turned 1,2,3,4 then I turned 5 in May.
What makes you laugh?
- Mom when she's crazy, and Eddie at preschool when he imitates me.
What do you want as a present?
- Lots of sweaters, lots of dresses, lots of toys, or nooo wait - I have lots of that. A pink and a dark purple nightgown with a bow on it.
How are babies made?
- That you eat a lot of meatballs and pasta and then you get a huge belly.
Where does money come from?
- From your job, you work then a lot of money comes. If you are going to have a big slide and a big trampoline. I want a slide that you go down in a sandbox.
How do you know you're in love?
- Can you whisper in my ear, mother, how to know that you are in love (mother whispers that it tingles in the stomach). That's right - you get hearts in your eyes.
Who decides in Sweden?
- The people who work there - those who were children first are the ones who decide, police, fire brigade, ambulance and they are very kind, says Adele

Louise's wise daughter Adele answers the questions in the book.

Excerpt from the book Small steps Great stories. Buy the book here.
Your home is constantly changing, doesn't your husband interrupt you when he comes home and the living room is painted a new color and the couch is gone?
- I hardly think he registers the changes anymore haha. No but he knows this is my job so he's soft on it. It's probably more me who can both love and hate having the home as a workplace. But at the same time, it's incredibly fun and creative to work with new brands and create new environments, I'm getting started on that.
We have toddlers ourselves and have fallen into the buy-a-white-sofa trap. How do you keep your white? We dress the children in plastic, do you have any other tips?
- Hahaha - yes, the children have to be allowed to live, so I don't have many pointers with the interior... but when it comes to the sofa, I try to throw out a blanket if they are going to sit there, stupid to challenge fate hehe.

"I don't really like to be seen and am very private at the same time it's part of my job."

During the photoshoot, Louise picks back and forth with all the things, her eye for details means we're renaming her interior design ninja from now on. Just change your name on Instagram, Louise!

"I can both love and hate having the home as a workplace."
What's the next project at home?
- The kitchen, we are so done with our kitchen. Mirror at the sink may be nice but not practical haha. Life with small children has also left its mark. Edge-supported doors and traces of life are cozy, of course, but now I look forward to a bright kitchen where we can create many wonderful memories together with family and friends.
Speaking of which, what are you looking forward to personally?
- Walking around at home in Skåne (yes Stockholm is also home) with hair in a bun and just being. Read books and get inspiration. Running after children will also be part of it. All the usual stuff that you appreciate being able to do again.
It sounds absolutely fantastic! Enjoy properly. And you, we're rooting for you and looking forward to seeing the new kitchen and how long you manage to keep the couch white.
- Thank you for wanting to come! And you are warmly welcome back to check sofa and kitchen again soon!