The perfect imperfect parental leave
We have met Anna, who lives with her partner and her two children, Stig and Sven (what cool names) in an inspiring turn-of-the-century apartment in Stockholm. We talked about what parental leave do...
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About pregnancy training, kitchen renovation and an evening in the emergency room.
Nathalie is an exercise type. Now maybe you shouldn't categorize people, but we still do it because it's more fun that way. So what does a fitness type do when she gets pregnant? Since we're couch ...
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We wanted to know how midwives and others who work in healthcare reason when they themselves have to choose a maternity clinic in Stockholm. Come along to Caroline & Khaldon's home and hear all...
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A creative home meets the minimalist baby book
Dennis' and Anna's home is a mix of a lot; of old, limited collections from IKEA, and of homemade ones. "If you have a big budget, it's much easier to design a beautiful home – but also maybe more ...
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Louise Hjorth on life's big questions - how babies are made and how sofas stay white
The tall turn-of-the-century door opens with an energetic jerk, and we are met by the 162 cm Louise Hjorth. Her Scanian dialect feels like a warm hug when we step into the apartment and try to shak...
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A place for alone time and friends
Lina laughs - she often does when she hangs out with her childhood friends from Dalarna. Everyone notes with a twinkle in their eye that Lina's oasis on Lidingö is a good friend magnet. We can't he...
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Turn-of-the-century dream of more than 34 square meters
It's snowing and the gray weather so characteristic of January outside when Emelie Ekman opens the door to the turn-of-the-century apartment we've so often seen glimpses of on Instagram. Immediatel...
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Karin meets us in the hall with cheerful happy eyes and a little Frank on her arm. He will soon be allowed to sleep, but before then we have time to have lunch and talk about parenthood, entreprene...
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It was tougher than we thought
Lack of sleep, closeness-thirsty children, breastfeeding that sucks, mom-shaming. Having children is fantastic, but it is rarely talked about that which can be difficult. So much guilt and tears it...
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